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The current version of Domination is 1.0.8
The latest released version is 1.0.7
My e-mail address is Oaks64@hotmail.com
Not sure if you have the latest version? Join the tracker! You'll be informed if you're running a old version.
Macintosh OS X:
Download the Products Installer!
Right now, I'm not sure what the demand is for the tracker. If you ever get an error about tracker full, offline, or not on that IP address, be sure to e-mail me if you'd like a tracker with longer hours.
Number of hits since 8/22/02:
(This is more of a user counter than a hit counter. Multiple hits from the same IP address will not count as more than one hit to the counter.)
Counter provided free of charge by Digits.com
Version History:
Deemed ready for pub beta.